5 yýldýzlý oda-borsalarýmýzla gurur duyuyoruz

We proud of five star room exchange

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.In 11th Accreditation cetificate ceremony TOBB president Rifat Hisarcýklýoðlu declared that the Rooms and Exchanges that took certýfýcate reached 224,and they proud of it.TOBB president declaed that the economical problems contýnues in the world,and evaulated the condition.

Hisarcýklýoðlu continued''the global market cannot be as old.the decrease of commodity price,effects most of countries economy.the decrase of oil and gas,on one side is good for us.because it decrease import bill.but one thitd of our export,85 percentage of our contracting,half of the tourists,took from the countrýes that export oil and gas.

11th term Accreditation certificate ceremony,with the host of TOBB president M.Rifat Hisarcýklýoðlu,with attending of trade minister Bülent Tüfenkçi,was done in TOBB twin tower.As he declared in his speech,since decrease of energy expense,but there are some problems in works of foreign currency.He contýnued:''we must renew techonology to pass these economýcal problems.we need a new success history.we need a new ýndustry policyIn this point,our government beware of this.we find these very important and useful for our society.We hope private and public sector should work together.we see this in 2016 action plan.we will be successfull in this way.

There are chaos in our geography,and we follow this with sad.the region are in very bad conditions.espacially in Syria and Iraq effect the region negatively.

  I proud of

Hisarcýklýoðlu declared that terror events that lýved in our region effect work society very badly.This is not only an economical problemsHisarcýklýoðlu declared that Minister Tüfenkçi work together with the rooms of East and Southeast Anatolia.He gave moral to them.Tüfekçi said that he spoke all these subjects with prime minister in detais.Our prime minister dealt with this subjects sincerely.Their first aim is to form public order,and solve all problems with speaking.This problem is very important for everybody.

Customer and trade minister Bülent Tüfenkçi

He declared that before 1 november electiýn HDP said that we will be Turkey party,but in this point we can see that they caould not do that.they cannot condemn terror.they cannot produce politics.they cannot be region party.

Customer and Trade Minister Tüfenkçi in his speech declared that,TOBB in 11 th Accreditation certificate ceremony  that organized in TOBB Twice tower,in old times there were some standarts to make trade,and ýf they did not obey that ,they could not make trade.He declared that they work to improve these process fast and increase the export,our aim is to help to yhe Rooms,and contýnued as we are not the master of the people but the servant of the people,and want to produce service for people from the rooms.

TOBB chairman of the board helper and accreditation president Halim Mete declared that with accreditation ,rooms and commodities service will increase with accreditation system.Mete,expressed that 61 percentage of the rooms and comodies became 5 star,and their aim is to make all of them include to accreditation system.Halim Mete,added that with accreditation  institutionalism settled.

After speaking,Minister Tüfenkçi and Hisarcýklýoðlu,gave certificate to Room and exchanges manager,and took memory photo.




Date: 2016-02-03
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IBAN Bilgileri