The joint meeting of Mardin Chambers / Commodity Exchanges was done at Kýzýltepe TSO.
The participants of the meeting held on November 19, 2024 were as follows: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kiziltepe Commodity Exchange Mehmet Þahin, Deputy Secretary General Metin Sert; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kiziltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mahmut Dündar, Expert Velit Aydin; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hatip Celik, General secretary Çetin Sasa, Accreditation Officer Lamia Keleþ; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nusaybin Commodity Exchange (NTB) Necdet Aktaþ, General Secretary Abdullah Dal, Accreditation Officer Ercan Çelik; Nusaybin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NTSO) Deputy Speaker Þükrü Akbal, General secretary Ýlhan Özmen; MAU IIBF Department of Economics Faculty Member and Mardin Chamber/Stock Exchange Honorary Academic Advisor Prof. Dr. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci.
The agenda items of the meeting were as follows: Good Practices of Chambers/Exchanges, Media Visibility Activities of Chambers/Exchanges, Projects on the Agenda, Presentation of Information and Documents on MAU-Oda/Borsa Banking Field Studies, Memorandum of Understanding on MAU-Oda/Borsa Field Studies, Academic Consulting Semester Activities.
Mardin Chambers/Commodity Exchanges provided information about the following examples of good practices that they carried out during the period:
.KTB: Installation of electronic sales hall and full capacity laboratory halls (fresh chemistry and cereals) within the scope of the attraction centers support program, Formation of product market brokerage institution with regional stock exchanges, Formation of agricultural platform with Mardin Chambers / Exchanges, Organization of agriculture, food and livestock fairs with Mardin Chambers / Exchanges, Comparison studies with regional stock exchanges, Information and experience sharing activities with stock exchanges, Geographical indication studies. .KTSO: Activities related to the service building, Activation of the capacity report system, Electronic infrastructure studies for services for members, Activation of the digital tachograph system, Studies for the TIR report card.
. MTSO: The establishment of a trade registry branch in Midyat for the first time in Turkey, Internal auditor certificate procurement studies of personnel, Activation of the capacity report system, Mobile mobile applications, completion of the GES feasibility report project, Logistics urban studies, Tekstilkent field studies, Activation of professional committees.
.NTB: Lobbying activities related to the installation of natural gas and mixed OIZs in Nusaybin and Gaziantep-Nusaybin train services, Expansion of peanut October fields as an alternative product, Sales hall cooperation with regional stock exchanges, Comparison studies with regional stock exchanges, Business trip organization to Balkan countries, Cooperation with Nusaybin Vocational High School.
.NTSO: Lobbying activities for Nusaybin and Mardin, Activation of the digital tachograph system, Operationalization of the capacity report system. Mardin Chambers / Commodity Exchanges determined their agenda for the year 2025 at the meeting. In this context, they agreed to cooperate on the following issues related to Mardin in 2025, to carry out lobbying activities and to contribute to the implementation of related projects:
1- Construction of a fairground in Mardin,
2-Construction of a ring road to Mardin,
3-Turning the Alakuþ-Mardin road into a divided road,
4-Renovation of the Nusaybin-Viransehir part of the Silk Road (Development Road),
5-Joint participation in the Yörex fair.
the 26th Joint Meeting will be held in February 2025 hosted by Nusaybin Commodity Exchange.