TOBB Nefes Kredisi 2018

TOBB braethe credit 2018

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The TOBB Breathing credit projects.which cans to KOBÝ last year with low interest rates,re-emerges this year with a 18 month long.

With pioneer of TOBB,support of Rooms and Trades,new braething credit project was signed with attendance of President Binali Yýldýrým,Custom and Trade minister Bülent Tüfenkçi,and TOBB president M.Rifat Hisarcýklýoðlu on 31 march saturday in Ýzmir.

The rate of interests declared at 0,99 for a month,and 11,88 for a year.

The time for repay for first 6 months  will not pay,other 12 month will oay equality.

This credit will be used at 6 banks and it will expected 70.000 Room-Trade member will use it.

Ziraat bank,Denizbank,Halkbank,Vakýfbank,Ziraat attendance and Vakýf attendance are these banks.

Our mermbers can be use credit since 2 april 2018 monday.

KOBI will take braethe.

Last year there were some problems but TOBB ,Rooms and exchanges took risks and started for a new period with KOBÝ credit.

During this period,KGF took support of exchequer,and 681 thousand firms,234 billion TL credit was formed.In a year 30 thousand firms took support from TOBB Breathe credit.

In 2018 braethe credit again used for 18 months,and served to our membes,and this year the number of banks increased to six.

Breathe credit can be taken from Ziraaat bank,Denizbank,Vakýfbank,Halkbank,Ziraat attendance,Vakýf attendance.

Breathe credit:interest for a year is under %12,for first 6 months are without paying,credit for 18 months.

TOBB invested money to six months and their members can used this credit.

TOBB,Rooms and exchanges opened their sources to members.KGF support their members which cannot use credit.

The risk for banks became zero.KGF will end the application in the same day.So they can be uesd credit at once.

Innovation at Finance.

Last year President Recep Tayyip Erdoðan said innovation at finance for braethe credit,so TOBB sent 500 million money to six banks,and the bannks will give 705 billion credit to our members.

During 2-3 months we hope 70 thousand KOBÝ will use this credit.

KOBÝ,CAN BE USED MAXÝMUM 200 THOUSADS tl according to the cities and activities that they have done.

Without bureacracy,simple credit process

The firms that belongs to KOBÝ can apply to this credit,onlt activity process will be wanted

They will take this document and will go to one of the bank and applu it

The banks,KOBÝ,and KGF will evaulate the application.

If it is positive,theu will use the credit.

Expense is only 51 tl

The banks will only take %0,03 cost bail for this credit.

So the banks cannot take more than 51 tl,so the members will both take credit and pay low monet for this process.



Date: 2018-04-02
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