TOBB Sanayi Odalarýndan deprem bölgesine 5 proje


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12 Industry room president,on structure of TOBB,came together with president Rifa HÝSARCIKLIOÐLU,to consult what can be done at region to revive insutry,trade and employment.

After  consultation meeting, that  lasted approximately 5 hours and was hosted by Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ÝSO) President Erdal Bahçývan, a consensus was reached on the implementation of 5 projects to revive  the regional economy and employment.

TOBB Industry rooms common explanation is that:

“ 12 Chambers of Industry president  within the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB),  came together,with TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcýklýoðlu and hosted by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, in order to contribute to the revitalization and normalization process of the economies of 11 provinces affected by the earthquake.

The projects initiated in this context and the suggestions that we consider to be beneficial to implement are as follows:

Provider  from the earthquake region”

We especially invite large-scale companies to source their raw materials and semi-finished products from companies in the earthquake region . In this context, we aim to revitalize trade in the region by making the necessary matches with the producers in the region from the TOBB Industry Database. It is aimed to ensure the participation of business circles throughout the country in the project by informing the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in all our provinces and the members of 65 Sector Councils.

National Food Retailers study was started

We aim to ensure that food retailers operating nationally, through Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and Sector Assemblies, purchase agricultural and food products and raw materials from producers in the earthquake zone. Work initiated in this regard will be accelerated.

Positive distinction from e-commerce marketplaces

We aim to extend the practice of marketplaces initiated through the TOBB e-Commerce Sector Assembly, where companies in the earthquake zone do not receive commissions for products to be delivered to consumers, to all companies in the sector and to highlight the producers in the region. Initiatives will be taken by cargo companies to reduce the shipping costs of online sales from the region.

Technical Support Recruitment

We will launch a technical support mobilization through Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and with the contributions of our members to revive employment and economic activity, so that the damaged production facilities can start operating again.

Additional Income Support for Employees

We assess that it would be beneficial for the income tax and insurance premium deducted from employees to be returned to employees during 2023 in order to restore employment in the earthquake region. Thus, it will be ensured that these deductions will be reflected as additional income to the employees.

Who attended the meeting:

President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) M. Rifat Hisarcýklýoðlu, TOBB Chambers of Industry Council President - Istanbul Chamber of Industry President Erdal Bahçivan, TOBB Vice President - Istanbul Commodity Exchange President Ali Kopuz, TOBB Vice President - Kocaeli Chamber of Industry President Ayhan Zeytinoðlu, TOBB Vice President - Istanbul and Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean, Black Sea Regions Chamber of Marine Commerce President Tamer Kýran, TOBB Board Member - Adana Chamber of Industry President Zeki Kývanç, TOBB Board Member - Kayseri Chamber of Industry President Mehmet Buyuksimitci, Aegean Region Chamber of Industry President Ender Yorgancilar, Ankara Chamber of Industry President Seyit Ardiç, Aydin Chamber of Industry President Gökhan Maraþ, Balikesir Chamber of Industry President Nazmi Yarýþ, Denizli Chamber of Industry President Selim Kasapoðlu, Eskiþehir Chamber of Industry President Celalettin Kesikbaþ, Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Assembly President Adil Sani Konukoðlu, Gaziantep Chamber of Industry President Adnan Ünverdi, Konya Chamber of Industry President Mustafa Büyükeðen and Nevþehir Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Arif Parmaksýz.


Date: 2023-03-05
/ 250 person view.