Odamýz ve Vakýf Katýlým Bankasý A.Þ. arasýnda Bankacýlýk iþlemleri ile ilgili protokol yapýldý.

The protocole about banking process was done between us and Vakýf Bank A.Þ

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.The protocole  about banking process was done between us and Vakýf Bank A.Þ

Lokman AVCI, SME banking unit manager from the General directorate of participation of the Foundation, visited our room with the Mardin Branch Manager of Participation of the Foundation and the accompanying delegation. During the meeting attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of our Chamber Mahmut DÜNDAR and Secretary General Ahmet ASLAN, a mutual agreement was reached and signed on the banking transactions protocol.

With this protocol, it is aimed to facilitate access to finance and to benefit from other banking products and services with special conditions determined for Kýzýltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry member companies.

Date: 2023-05-12
/ 320 person view.