TOBB 79. Genel Kurulu tamamlandý.

TOBB 79 th General assembly completed.

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M.Rifat HÝSARCIKLIOÐLU again seleceted to TOBB president.At TOBB Economy and Technology University 79 th general assembly,He will selected as TOBB president for 4 years.

Our chairman of the board Mahmut DÜNDAR,Community president Beþir DÜNDAR,General board members Þükrü KARABOÐA and M.Þerif TAN,general secretary Ahmet ASLAN,joined the 79 th general assembly.

TOBB President HISARCIKLIOÐLU stated his views on the General Assembly as follows:
TOBB 79. May our General Assembly be good for our country and the business world.

We have completed the organ elections with the votes of 365 Chamber/Stock Exchange Presidents and our delegates.
As a big family, we are starting to work again with a new spirit, with a new excitement.
We will continue to serve our country and the business world together with our newly elected Board of Directors, Commissions, Councils and Boards.
May my Lord grant us to do good services and to give the right to this trust that we have undertaken.

The new TOBB Board of Directors consisted of the following names:

-Ali Kopuz (Chairman of Istanbul Commodity Exchange)

-Selçuk Öztürk (President of Konya Chamber of Commerce)

-Salih Zeki Murzioðlu (President of Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

-Tamer Kýran (President of IMEAK Chamber of Shipping)

-Faik Yavuz (Chairman of Ankara Commodity Exchange)

-Cengiz Günay (President of Tekirdað Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

-Zeki Kývanç (President of Adana Chamber of Industry)

-Engin Yeþil (Chairman of Diyarbakýr Commodity Exchange)

-Hakan Ülken (President of the Aydýn Chamber of Commerce)

-Þaban Aziz Karahmehmetoðlu (President of the Rize Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

-Mehmet Büyüksimitci (President of Kayseri Chamber of Industry)

-Mustafa Cihat Lokmanoðlu (President of Mersin Chamber of Shipping)

-Ibrahim Burkay (President of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

-Seyit Ardýç (President of Ankara Chamber of Industry)

-Þekib Avdagiç (President of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce)

-Iþýksu Kestelli (Chairman of Izmir Commodity Exchange)

-Ali Çandýr (Chairman of Antalya Commodity Exchange)

-Ender Yorgancýlar (President of the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry)

-Mehmet Tuncay Yildirim (President of Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce)

-Saim Özakalýn (President of Erzurum Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Elections were also held for boards and commissions at the General Assembly.


Date: 2023-05-31
/ 263 person view.