Personellerimiz 5174 TOBB KANUNU Eðitimine katýldý.


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At our meeting saloon TOBB law 5174 education was given to personnel.General secretary Ahmet Aslan,chamber register and trade register personnel ware joined the meeting.

The aim of this law,regulate the principles related to the organization and its functioning.for chambers of commerce and industry,chambers of commerce,chambers of industry,chambers of maritime commerce,commodity exchanges,and Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.

Scope: This Law covers the principles related to the chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of commerce, chambers of industry, maritime chambers of commerce, commodity exchanges and the organizations of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, the qualifications and election procedures of their bodies and the state and procedures of loss of organ status, duties and powers and working procedures, mutual rights and obligations with its members, income and expenditures and budgets.

Date: 2023-09-06
/ 253 person view.