Coðrafi iþaretimiz ''Mardin Bulguru'' Denetimi

Our geographical indication "Mardin Bulgur Wheat" Inspection

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Ahmet ASLAN, Secretary General of our Chamber, Faysal SUN, President of Mardin Bulgur wheat Industrialists, Mustafa TÜNIK, authorized from Mardin Artuklu University, and Abuzer BARMANBAY, authorized from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry of Mardin, who are on the Supervisory Board established to monitor the compliance of the use of the geographical indication with the Mardin  Bulgur wheat registered by our Chamber, came together in the service building of our chamber and held a meeting:


As it is known, geographical indications and traditional product names serve in important issues such as the protection of the national and cultural values of our country, economic development, increasing export revenues, rural development, supporting women's employment, consumer protection. It is possible to maximize these benefits that we expect from geographical indications and traditional product names by establishing a healthy audit system.


It is extremely important for both manufacturers and consumers that the supervisory authority, which is outside the market supervision and supervision of public institutions and is determined by registration for each geographical indication and traditional product name, fully performs its duties.

Date: 2023-11-16
/ 489 person view.